Hello again our young adults and young at hearts. It is so good to have you with me. This is SUSAN CHAMBERS, author of TJ AND THE WINGED VISITOR…a book not to be missed.
Most of us would have goals, things that we want to achieve throughout our lives, and others float along day by day living life as it happens. Whether we have goals or whether we don’t… life is guaranteed to throw us some curved balls… things that we did not anticipate happening to us. But a person with a goal is a more directed individual, and that is usually good.
I have had some goals…to own my own home, to pay my bills on time and to live happily ever after. As anyone can see, my goals were all about me—my wants, and this is usually the case. But often to achieve our goals, we will need others to see them come to pass.
I never had a goal to become someone great by education, as many do. Probably for me it was because I was an average student, so I settled for an average job and sometimes I did what I once considered menial jobs. Yet I have come to understand there are no average or menial jobs. Every job, every position is important and valuable for society to operate in a well-balanced way.
A manager needs a secretary, a train driver needs a guard, a chef needs a kitchen hand, a busy family needs a cleaner, a doctor needs a nurse, a shop needs a delivery driver, a landscaper needs a crew, a builder needs an apprentice. Businesses need employees, a housewife needs encouragement, a husband needs respect, a child needs love, and boundaries. Everyone needs somebody. Every role has needs and every role is valuable. There are no menial roles. If you are someone with a perspective like I was, and don’t want to work because you consider it menial. Lift your head and your thoughts and get out there and work, become a valuable part of society—there are no menial jobs.
The reality for me is, I was more a floater than a goal chaser. I did get a house and have a family and I cruised along in the small world I had created for myself. I was a very average person and seemed contented with my lot. In my average little world, I did not realise I could have more. Then a day came when I was invited to go to a meeting and hear a speaker. I have since learned it is good to put oneself in situations where one can learn new things. Then being wise enough to discern if this new is good for me or will harm me. So, I went along and there were many others who were seeking something new.
I will continue BEGINNINGS OF A VISION in my next blog…
TJ AND THE WINGED VISITOR is available worldwide. It is a story that uplifts and is a special read for all ages. Get your copy now! Search TJ AND THE WINGED VISITOR. Go on YouTube. You can do reviews at Austin Macaulay Publishers, Amazon, and Good reads.
Until next time your blogging friend and author… SUSAN CHAMBERS

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