Hello again our young adults and young at hearts. It is so good to have you here. This is SUSAN CHAMBERS, author of TJ AND THE WINGED VISITOR…a must read for all ages.
At this event, the speaker had a completely different outlook on life to me. He talked about having VISION. Vision is not a goal—it is totally a heart awakening. I have since discovered there are two types of Vision. One is where a person can see a picture in their mind, and it can be in black and white or in technicolour. What they see will transfer to their heart, and the fulfillment will often happen later. The other Vision is what I experienced that day at the meeting. The speaker described several areas in life where there was great need and that in each of us was the ability to fill one of those needs.
As I listened to the speaker I was stirred on the inside, and knew exactly what area I could assist in. Yet it was a ludicrous thought or idea—totally irrational, but it excited me like I had not felt for a long time. This was my first experience of receiving a Vision—something that would change my life forever and lead me in a different direction to the way I was going.
At this stage though, it was just a thought, a thought about finance. An awesome thought that was way beyond my ability to achieve. But that did not put me off because I had this sense of excitement about it. I didn’t tell anyone at this stage about what I had experienced. I just sat on it and often thought about it. Then some months later, when I was in another gathering, I voiced what I wanted to do. My expectation—I wanted a business that would provide finances to help people in need. The Vision was not about me, it was about others. It would take work on my part, but it was not for me, it was for others.
As I said it was a ludicrous idea, which now became a ludicrous plan. I had no idea how to run a business and I had no idea of what product would work to achieve the goal of helping the needy. I did mention these strange thoughts to others at this time and they probably thought I was weird. So, with no other direction I sat on the idea for some months more. Until one day, a very good friend said to me ‘Write a book’. That seemed to me to be an impossible task. Who writes a book with no idea of what to write about, and no qualifications to do it well. But wondrous things began happening when I started to believe it was possible to do, and soon afterwards I had a title and a story outline to work with. Some months on I had a certainty that this small beginning would evolve into a business I could work to help others.
TJ AND THE WINGED VISITOR is an awesome read, an uplift to enjoy. Get your copy now! Search TJ AND THE WINGED VISITOR it is available across the world. Go on YouTube. You can do reviews at Austin Macauley Publishers, Amazon, and Goodreads.
Until next time, your blogging friend and author SUSAN CHAMBERS.

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