Hello again, our Young Adults and Young at Hearts who are amazing and are spread across this world. I am SUSAN CHAMBERS, author of TJ AND THE WINGED VISITOR. I am excited to share with you good news.
You are all special and there is great potential for good in all of you. I know this is true because it has happened to me. I was not born into luxury and many of you will be the same. But I believe that every person on this planet has a special gift in them—the fortunate ones, the average ones, and the less fortunate. It took many years for me to discover my gift and I am fervently hoping that each of you will believe in yourselves and discover yours quicker than I did. That is why I am determined to write stories that are helpful and uplifting and encouraging and adventurous and a certified good read.
Young at Hearts, today I want to encourage you. I assume most of you will be single or parents or grandparents and generally caring people. You like to receive good gifts and give good gifts to those you care about. So today I am assuring you that each book I write is a good gift. These are not stories I have rushed through but have taken time to get right so I can spread loving kindness to the hearts and minds of this world’s readers—some are in your families. Please be encouraged and read my first book TJ AND THE WINGED VISITOR. You will be enthralled by our characters, our colours, and our funny scenes.
TJ AND THE WINGED VISITOR has been written for readers in your family and for your friends—you and your children and your grandchildren and your friends. Become a partner in our #familyofhappyreaders. Take a photo of yourself and your loved ones holding TJ AND THE WINGED VISITOR add a caption ‘I’VE GOT MY BOOK’.  #tjandthewingedvisitor #youngadults #youngathearts #familyofhappyreaders. Post it to your social media. Let us all view your happy faces.
Search TJ AND THE WINGED VISITOR it is available worldwide. Do your reviews at austinmacauley.com Goodreads.com and for those buying from Amazon you can also do reviews there. Thank you so much.
Until next time…your blogging friend and author SUSAN CHAMBERS.

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