The Journey of Writing: How a Team Can Bring Forth a Good Read

Hello all you young adults and young at hearts.
I am Susan Chambers, author of TJ AND THE WINGED VISITOR. A new 21st century read.
The publisher Austin Macauley has targeted this book especially for young adults and they are loving it. But I know there is more, and have also experienced readers from 10years upwards, and through the decades, who have so enjoyed this story and are in awe of the many twists and turns that encompass this great read. It has something for everyone. You will find humor and, drama and, adventures and, heartache and, supernatural themes and, quirky characters and love.
Today I would like to share with you some reasons why it takes a TEAM to bring forth a good read.
When I began this journey of authorship, I knew very little about writing and what it would entail. It all began, one day, when a friend said to me, ‘Write a book.’ I was a bit shocked and said, ‘I can’t do that.’ But he saw potential in me and encouraged me by saying ‘Start the book today.’ I was again shocked, and moments passed, but a seed was germinated in me from that time.
I really liked writing on cards, those that I gave out to people and, also sending out by post. They tended to end up a bit of a story and covered all the available space.
So, I began the journey. I usually had a title but very little idea of how it would unfold. I didn’t have what many would say were the necessities. Such as the draft of a beginning, or a certain middle that would enthrall people, and at that time… there was never an ending fixed in my mind… it was a bit like, well here goes, I will start and see what happens now.
It was a most irregular way of writing. I knew that because I had attended some courses. My plan for a story was so different to everybody else’s plan. It was recommended that I carry a notebook around with me and note just about all and everything that I saw, felt, and heard in each day. I was shocked by the suggestions, and I was exhausted by the thought of doing that. I had no objections to other aspiring writers doing that, but it scared the dickens out of me, as I felt it was a waste of my time. So, I didn’t do too good with those courses.
I just believed I could do it, and I started with a sentence. After that it seemed to flow. I finished what I now know…, was just the first draft. Unaware of how many drafts would follow. My next step was to type it into the computer. Because, I have always handwritten that first draft, it was just the way I liked to do it. I doubt that many authors would begin that way today. Then I read through the document and enlarge on any section of the story that jumps out at me, as I had more time to think about what I was recording.
Time passed and I got to the stage, where I wanted someone professional to read it, and give me advice. I looked on the internet as we do, and there was a man about an hour drive away who was willing to look at it. I paid his fee price and he read through the manuscript.
His advice was I needed to change the title and one of the characters to something different, as it would be very difficult for me to find an agent who would be willing to approach publishers on my behalf. That was another shock. I thought, I don’t want an agent, it will cost lots of money…which I did not have. When it was the right time, I would approach a publisher myself. Little did I know how far ahead that would be.
The good that came out of our discussion was…he had read through the story and chosen a chapter, where he enlarged on the existing wording, and I thought what he did was brilliant. He was happy for me to do what I wanted with it. I could keep it or toss it out. So, I decided to keep it in the chapter.
But I was a bit confused about the other advice and did not know what to do. Was he for real!!! If I did change anything, I had no idea who the character could now change into, or what a new title could be. So, at that time I did not change what he suggested, I just kept adding to the stories content.
After a time, I decided to give another professional editor a go.
Blogging friends, I have decided to end this session here, and will continue this story in my next blog.
DON’T DELAY!! TJ AND THE WINGED VISITOR IS NOW AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE, at Austin Macauley Publishers, Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes and Noble, Target, Waterstones, and many others. GET IN QUICK AND DON’T MISS OUT ON A GREAT READ. Please give me feedback and do a review or two. Thank you so much.
Until next time… your blogging friend and author, SUSAN CHAMBERS.

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