Youth Today

Hello again, young adults and young at hearts. I am SUSAN CHAMBERS author of TJ AND THE WINGED VISITOR. A new and exciting adventure story that will keep you turning the pages.
Today, I share some thoughts on our youth. I believe that each one of them is valuable, regardless of what the world tells us. Each one is a mystery. A masterpiece of design. Intricately put together from the outward appearance to inner workings—everything in its place.
Our youth are unique individuals. They are mysteries with great value and great potential. Understandably for many of them, they do not have worthy role models. Most of us are experiencing self-aggrandising leadership that is oblivious of what the youth of today really need and appear to do their utmost to bring in policies that have little value of bringing in elevation, and they big note themselves for it.
Then there are greedy individuals and corporate gurus, who do not care how much destruction they bring to our youth. It is all about getting riches beyond anything they can ever spend, and most do it at the expense of the vulnerable. Now I am not against money, we all need it, and we should not have to just scrape by. But how we earn it and what we do with it is important. I was thinking the other day about life and death. We come into the world with no possessions, and we leave taking nothing with us. It all stays here. All the scheming and scamming and storing of wealth will end up futile and a waste of a life as the end nears.
Then some have family who have no idea what the youth of today need and many seemingly don’t care. It upsets me when a parent walks out on their responsibilities to seek their own pleasures. Children and youth are abandoned to the deceitful practices of this world that bring pain and destruction, when it could have been avoided if adults were to honour their words.
It appears by the reports of health issues, one thing our youth do not need is more technology time, that statement may not be popular. But it is evident they need less to bring their mind systems back into order. Because minds are being warped and potential is being destroyed. Now I am not against technology. It has great benefits for humankind. I could not do this blog today without technology. But with so many cruel and greedy people out there in the marketplace and using technology to deceive, it is not a safe place for lonely or sensitive individuals. I feel sad over the injustices our youth suffer, with few who care about those who may not survive another year. There are many rocky roads for our youth, and cowards seek out the vulnerable and give false hope.
Thankfully, there are others who have supportive families, and groups of youth who help each other navigate the complexities of the teen years. Our youth seem to need more help in making better choices. They also need to understand that every choice has a consequence—good choice good consequence, bad choice bad consequence. We are all accountable for our words and our actions, and we can’t always blame someone else when we are the ones who choose.
I believe it can get better. Hopefully all those reading this do not have problems, life is good…and will be one who extends a hand to help another.
I will continue YOUTH TODAY in my next blog.
TJ AND THE WINGED VISITOR is an awesome read, an uplift to enjoy. Get your copy now! Search TJ AND THE WINGED VISITOR it is available across the world. Go on YouTube. You can do reviews at Austin Macauley Publishers, Amazon, and Goodreads.
Until next time your blogging friend and author… SUSAN CHAMBERS

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