I am Susan Chambers, author of TJ AND THE WINGED VISITOR. It is a new dimensional story that is now available worldwide.

I am an older version of who I once was. Life has a way of us blinking and 10, 20 or even 30 years have slid past us. Of course, you – young adults – would know nothing about this. But in my case, I may not be exactly what people would expect me to be. As an author I am probably expected to be younger and vibrant and reaching for the world. Let me assure everyone I intend doing my best to remain vibrant and relevant and reaching for the world. None of us are exempt from doing our best.

Sure I would love to be twenty years younger but it is not going to happen. Botox and photoshop do not interest me because I have learned through the high and lows of life to be happy with who I am.

This putting oneself out there into the market place of this world is a whole new ballgame for me. The reality is I expected the publisher of TJ AND THE WINGED VISITOR to do it all—after all they are the professionals at marketing. It is just as well that we all have ability to keep learning. We also need to understand our strengths and our weaknesses and not be too proud to ask for help when needed.

I watch young people with their iphones, iPad and computers. They are so in tune with technology, nothing seems to phase them. Whereas that is an area where I need lots of help. I even went to the local library and borrowed ‘Microsoft Office for Dummies’. There were basics in it that I knew, but the overall experience was not helpful because the issues I tend to create from my limited grasp of technology were unanswered. Just as well help is only a phone call away and we usually have a good laugh at what I have done.

I believe I will get better at a lot of things by putting myself out there—practise does help. We all fail at times but that never makes us a failure. So all you readers be confident in what you can do and get help with what you can’t. Life tends to put us down at times. Just make sure when you rise, you get up a stronger person having learned a lesson from being down.

Until next News – keep smiling.

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